I started to play this a few dozen times, and boy was it time consuming. I also showed a round or two to my wife(who understands my crazy) and my friend who is a gamer, to see if the basic activity of playing a round was fun or interesting at all. I saw that as my minimum viable product--playing a single hand and seeing if any decisions get made or if you can get better by playing again.
A game would take me about an hour to do by myself, because every time I picked up a hand, I was confused what that player was supposed to be doing, as I had just played 3 other totally different turns. But this is the best way to figure out obvious mechanical or logical flaws in the design. I saw the constant brain-burn as a possible sign that I was at least on the track to making each player make meaningful choices. There was so much going on, I'd often obstruct one player's plans totally unintentionally.