Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Shell Beach Development Blog!

This is going to be the place I post the story of how my game, Shell Beach, comes along.  It will begin with a few posts that have already happened for documentary purposes, but will catch up soon enough.

Please feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email.  You can also message me on Reddit or BGG as '3kindsofsalt".

I figure nobody is going to care about this blog other than fellow hobby designers, so I will assume my readers have a few notebooks of scrawled ideas, more than a few baggies of index card prototypes, and a love for games as a critical part of the human experience.

I want you to know that I sincerely think that you have something special to offer the world.  If you want to design a game, you should.  You shouldn't just do it for exercise, you should do it for the joy of others. Your idea is probably not even really a game yet, but is still probably better than you think.  I know too well the feeling of not wanting someone to see the game I just came up with because it's on slips of paper with coins, and I can't actually draw stars or triangles, and the theme sounds stupid when I say it out loud.  I don't think your idea is stupid.

A little about me:  I Love Jesus, Jesus Loves me more, I was born in 1987, I have a wife and three kids, and I live in a small town on the South Texas Coast.  I have a modest day job in the oil & gas industry and work from home, where my kids go to school.  I enjoy saltwater kayak fishing, tabletop gaming (duh), and I watch American Soccer.  I am constantly told I am overthinking everything and constantly feel like I'm talking too much.  I have never published a game, but I've had my successes and failures in starting/growing businesses and products to hit the market.

I feel like this game is probably going to break soon.  As in break and go in the bin with the thousand other broken ideas.  But here's the thing: this one has been tougher than normal during testing, and it is simple enough that I can push through on it without sucking up tons of time and money and actually get the thing done, or at least find out why I can't sooner than later.

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